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FLOOR_ presents

“8x12," from September 24 to November 7. The exhibition features 87 pieces representing a wide range of photography-based artworks 

Artists: Yan Jin, Kohei Kawatani, Tianli Zhang, Jacksun Bein, Hyunhee Doh, Yu Jing Liu, Marie Birkedal, Yu-Ching Wang, Jiyoung Bin, Yiseul Jung, Wen-Han Chang, Marie Haris Malekos, Stephanie Hsu, Pak Him Li, Yi-Hang Peng, Shou-An Chiang, Gianmarco Savioli, Jeong Hur, Tielin Ding, Steve Park, Maxwell Stevens, Jacob Talbot, Leanne Wiggers, Abo Huang, Nianzhang Liu, Anna Lam, Yoojeong Jin, Ally Campbel, Amelia Lau, Frida Braide, Christy Hui, Anna Bobkova, Angie Nam, Toma Gerzha, Benny van der Plank, Nin Tsai, Ming-Jer Kuo, Yumin Lee, Merani Schilcher, Anton Kuehnhackl, Jiyoung Bin, Harrison Edward, Sun-Hee Lee, Joel Derksen, Cherry Adam.

State Hospital Divine Blue Sun, 20 x 30 cm, Photo, Marie Birkedal 2022