Twenty Years of ... 

Künstler/Innen: ** Artists

Marie Aly, Nándor Angstenberger, Grape Battleship, Norbert Bayer, Marie Irmgard Birkedal, Joachim Blank, Ronald de Bloeme, Antje Blumenstein, Isabelle Borges, Bram Braam, Katja Brinkmann, Clara Brörmann, Jessica Buhlmann, Marta Colombo, Ben Cottrell, Jeroen Cremers, Gabriele Diversi, Tiny Domingos, Jürgen Eisenacher, Wolfgang Flad, Moritz Frei, Gotscha Gosalischvili, Jürgen Grewe, Harriet Groß, Ab van Hanegem, Matthias Heidenreich, Christian Henkel, Gregor Hildebrandt, Birgit Hölmer, Kirsten Hutsch, Hyojun Hyun, Elisabeth Jahrmärker, Franz Jyrch, Marcus Kaiser, Isabel Kerkermeier, Claudia Kleiner, Alexander Klenz, Peter K. Koch, Karsten Konrad, Erika Krause, Dirk Krecker, Stefan Lenke, Katharina Lüdicke, Frank Maibier, Frank Maier, Sofie Marguillier, Randolf Müller, Ulrike Mundt, Anne Mundo, Frank Nitsche, Jürgen Ostarhild, Jirka Pfahl, Jan van der Ploeg, Hannu Prinz, Sophia Schama, Maik Schierloh, Jutta Schreiner, Robert Seidel, Heidi Sill, Carlos Silva, SPHEO, Meik Stamer, Björn Streeck, Michael Tewes, Klaus-Martin Treder, Anke Völk, Riette Wanders, Markus Willeke, Jens Wolf, Yu Linhan, Michaela Zimmer

Eröffnung / Opening:
Sonnabend / Staturday
4. Mai / May 4, 2024
19 Uhr / 7 pm

Eingang / Entrance
Straßburger Straße 53
10405 Berlin

installation views Bernd Borchardt

unterm Lederhimmel


Exhibition from 16.3 to 12.5, 2024

Opening: Friday 15.3 19:00

Wednesday, 20.3 19:00 artist talk with Marie Birkedal and Gloria Zein moderated by Rahel Schrohe

Sunday 12.5, 17:00 Finissage


I dilute my paints so much that the binder breaks down and only the pigment remains, so that the color develops through evaporation and leaves behind dust-like traces, making the paintings seem evoked rather than made. My paintings embody time as a material just as much as paint and canvas. Each layer must be completely dry before the next and there are long phases of emptiness in which seemingly nothing happens, but really everything happens. To me, the tactile haptic experience is just as valid a way of understanding the world and being in it as words and language. I believe that there is a code of communication and understanding that is visual and beyond language.

My hands do the work, but that is meaningless for the sculpture. Something finds expression through them; I only make myself available. When the intellect wants to control the result, banality lurks around the next corner and the experience is destroyed.

The challenge is to think NOTHING and to be completely in the moment.
Organisms store experiences in the strangest places.
A life's journey shapes posture, gait, facial features - and the shine
of the hair.

Alte Feuerwache Project Space
Marchlewskistr. 6, 10243 Berlin, Tel. 030 293479426
Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district office of Berlin
Sun-Wed 12:00-19:00
Thu-Sat 12:00-20:00

8 contemporary artists look back.

8 contemporary artists each show a mini-retrospective exhibition, which focuses on the long development that is part of being and becoming an artist.

The exhibition TILBAGEBLIK consists of eight mini-retrospective exhibitions with eight contemporary artists.

How do you become an artist? Is this a natural talent that unfolds? How do you learn to create art? And when can you call yourself an artist - when do you truly feel that you are one?

The idea of TILBAGEBLIK is to give the audience an insight into the engine room of art. Showing examples of all the roads – detours, byways and highways – an artist typically has to walk; all the trials that are needed to develop as an artist - and to become an artist in general.

Each of the eight artists in the exhibition contributes distinctive works that cover different periods in their artistic work. Hereby, their artistic development is shown right from the first attempts, which perhaps, when the artist him/her/them-self looks back on them, may seem awkward, naive or pretentious, to the works that gave access to academies or censored exhibitions; then comes the landmark works that set a decisive development in motion, and finally the completely new works of art that show where the individual artist is today.

Each artist has been interviewed. They were given the same five questions as e.g. "What made you start making art and why do you still do it?" and "Can you name three things that have had an impact on your artistic development?". These interviews are reproduced on boards in the exhibition. In this way, you as a visitor get answers to the questions you have often wanted to ask an artist yourself when you see her or his works.

The artists are Anne Skole Overgaard, Bjarke Regn Svendsen, Bjørn Poulsen, Jacob Hoff, Jonna Pedersen, Karin Lorentzen, Marie Birkedal and Simon Grimm.

For the premiere, Bjørn Eriksen's musical work "Drive in Reverse Karma" will be premiered by the Janus Trioen. The piece of music was composed specifically for the exhibition and expresses "Tilbageblik".        
Tilbageblik is supported by:

The Danish Art Council and the June 15th Foundation.
Herzliche Einladung zur Ausstellung


Marie Birkedal, DAG, Ulrike Mundt, Holger Pohl, Wieland Payer, Heinz Schmöller

Stranger Things ist ein internationales Ausstellungsprojekt mit KünstlerInnen aus Kopenhagen, Berlin und Dresden. Zu sehen sind Werke, die zwischen Subjekt und Objekt changieren und die Interaktion zwischen Ding und Lebenswelt betrachten. In unterschiedlichen Medien, Materialien und Konzeptionen untersuchen hier Künstler die vielfältigen Perspektiven und Ansätze in unserer Betrachtung von Dingen.

Eröffnung: Freitag 15.09. 19 Uhr
Einführung: Dr. Michael Wächter
Dauer der Ausstellung: 16.09. - 15.10. 2023
Runde Ecke Dresden, Wachsbleichstraße 4a, 01067 Dresden
täglich 16-19 Uhr und Mo+Do 10-13 Uhr
auch Sa und Sonntag geöffnet

Die Ausstellung wird gefördert durch: die Kulturstiftung Sachsen und das Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz

Abbildung: Grafikgestaltung, Matthias Marx